Blurry vision in only one eye

Imagine, you are looking at something and you realize that the thing is not that clear. You check the glasses and rub your eyes, clean the glasses, and try to look at the same thing.

But again you see it somewhat blurry. then when you close one eye and look at it, you realize. that one of your eyes is blurring your vision. while the other eye is clear.

Having a blurry vision in one eye is very common. But having blurry vision in only one eye is something that not each of us experiences.

Your eye Doctor calls this condition ‘Unilateral Blurry vision.‘ we’ll see this in detail.

Now, when patients experience this, what they do is don’t see this eye specialist sooner. they think that it will go away.

sometimes it does go away. But if it stays for more than a few ways, then you must visit your Doctor.

In most of the conditions, blurry vision in one eye is not very serious. Though it may indicate other health issues. so the best option is to visit your Doctor.

This one-eye blurry vision can occur due to various issues. Let’s discuss these causes.

Cause 1 – Cataract
We all know what a cataract is. If you want detailed info about cataracts, download this ebook written by Dr. Ashesh Gala.

A cataract is a condition when your vision becomes cloudy because of certain changes in your eye lens.

Cataracts can occur in one eye or both eyes so this could be the reason for having blurry vision in one eye. Cataracts are treated with surgery.

Cause 2 – infections in the eye.
eyes are very sensitive in our entire body and therefore are prone to infections.

Simple medications and eye drops can treat these infections.

Cause 3 – refractive Errors
This is one of the common causes of blurred vision. If you are having trouble with your near or farsight vision then it can be cause of this blurred vision. This is routinely treated by eye Doctors.

Cause 4 – Retinal Damage
If for any reason your retina gets damaged or torn. In addition to blurred vision, if you face loss of peripheral vision or flashes then it could be a result of torn retina and detachment.
This is quite serious and must be treated on a priority basis.

Cause 5 – Glaucoma
High pressure in the eye normally leads to Glaucoma which is a progressive eye disease.
Normally glaucoma affects one eye so it may be a cause of blurry vision.
Glaucoma is very much treatable and regular eye exams can help in detecting it.

Cause 6 – Dry eyes.
Dry eyes are a condition when the eye is unable to produce enough tears. Tears play an important role in keeping our eyes healthy & and clean by continuously providing necessary lubrication.

When the eyes do not have enough tears, it may cause blurred vision.

Your eye specialist can routinely treat blurred vision in one eye.

There are a few more not-so-common reasons also.
But as these are uncommon. they need immediate checkups from your eye Doctor. If you experience any of these, visit your doctor ASAP.

Cause 7 – Migraine attacks
Migraines can cause blurred vision. migraines last for a smaller period & so if your eye feels blurred before, during after migraine, then wait for some time. If the blurriness stays even after migraines are long gone. then you need to consult your eye specialist.

Cause 8 – Mini Stroke or Stroke
As said above, it’s rare to get blurred vision in one eye due to a stroke. But if all the above reasons aren’t applicable, then you need to check for this.
strokes or mini-strokes calls for emergency help. so visit the nearest hospital asap.

Cause 9 – Diabetes
If you are diabetic then you are prone to diabetic retinopathy which can cause blurred vision in one eye.
This is treated by your eye specialist and you must visit them for further examinations.

These are the common and uncommon causes of having blurred vision in one eye.

Visiting your eye specialist is the best course of action.