The Smog – is it having any effect on our eyes?

Pollution is hurting our vision.

As an eye surgeon with 25 years meeting patients with troubled vision, I’ve witnessed firsthand the silent effect smog lays on our precious sight. It’s time to deliberate on the definitive strategies to protect our vision from the relentless onslaught of urban pollution in Mumbai, India.

Smog—a mix of smoke, dust, and industrial pollutants. This is a formidable adversary to ocular well-being, being cause of dry eyes, conjunctivitis, and allergic reactions, steadily chiseling away at the corneal surface with every blink.

Safeguarding your vision in Mumbai’s requires a proactive defense. These simple but very effective things can protect your eyes.

  1. Frequent Eyewashes: Polluted air carries particulate matter that adheres to your eyes. Regularly flush your eyes with clean water to cleanse away irritants.
  2. Specialty Eyewear: Wear spectacles with polycarbonate lenses when stepping out. These lenses ward off environmental aggressors and possess a shield effect against sea winds that compound the smog’s impact.
  3. Artificial Tears: Keep a vial of preservative-free artificial tears at hand. For those commuting through Mumbai’s traffic, which can turn minutes into hours, these drops are a boon—lubricating eyes parched by pollution.
  4. Air Quality Vigilance: Leverage technology to stay informed about Mumbai’s air quality index (AQI). On days when the AQI reads poor, restrain outdoor activities if at all possible and definitely curtail activities near high-traffic zones like Highway during rush hours.
  5. Nutritional Reinforcement: Arm your diet with Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins C and E, which combat the oxidative stress inflicted by pollutants.

Despite these preventive techniques, if you experience eye discomfort or worse, here’s what can be done:

  1. Comprehensive Eye Exams: Annual eye exams are indispensable. They can detect the early signs of damage from smog, such as corneal abrasions or the onset of dry eye syndrome.
  2. Seeking Professional Care Promptly: Should symptoms such as persistent irritation, redness, or blurred vision is experienced, one must see eye Specialist.
  3. Eye “First Aid” Kit: Equip your home with a dedicated eye care kit—comprising of preservative-free eye drops, a sterile eyewash, and an emergency contact number of an ophthalmologist readily accessible.

In all honesty, we cannot avoid it totally. So taking care of our vision is the next best thing we do.